Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Welcome to Intergrated Science!!

There are many different butterflyfishes although  I choosed the auriga butterflyfish!
or "Chaetodon auriga" that´s it´s called scientifically.

This picture is taken from:

Did you know that according to nationalgeographic.com the "butterflyfish are a common site near coral reefs, which they peck with their protruding snouts searching for polyps, worms, and other small invertebrates."

The auriga butterflyfish has about 113 other species that share the name butterflyfish. It also has a great number of names;

Auriga Butterflyfish   Threadfin Butterflyfish    Threadfin Coralfish  Cross-stripe Butterfly  Whip Butterflyfish

and the scientific name:

Chaetodon auriga

Also the hawaiian names:

La-u ha-u and Ki-ka ka-pu

Here are some different butterflyfishes;

all this pictures were taken from google pictures : search -> butterflyfish

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